Matcha latte

Matcha powder is not only super popular, but also very healthy. Matcha is green tea powder, originally from Japan. It has many healthy benefits, but I think it’s just delicious. I often make matcha latte, I love the green color and taste. But you can use matcha in many recipes. In this post i’ll explain how you can make a matcha latte and matcha tea. 

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chakchouka love

Shashouka, shakshuka, chashouka, what is it? Well, it is my favourite dish called chakchouka. Originally from Tunesia, but also very popular in North-Africa and Israel. Chakchouka means ‘mixed’. It’s a mixture that consist onions, tomatoes and paprika, but in a chakchouka you can vary with herps, spices and vegetables. That why it’s so fun to make.  Continue reading “chakchouka love”

fluffy pancakes

Pancakes are always a good idea, especially in the winter and on sundays. When it’s getting colder, I prefer to have a warm breakfast, like oatmeal. Well, this is a very easy, warm and delicious recipe. These fluffy pancakes are thick, light and more delicious with some great music on the side. Enjoy with the hot and chill remix from The Buried King. 

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beet risotto

I love to make Italian food with a twist. I often make beet risotto with feta, but this one is next level! I found this recipe and it was so good, I need to share it with you. I combined this hot recipe with a groovy track released by Glitterbox. These are the beats from Ralphi Rosario with Linda Clifford ‘Wanna Give It Up’ (Dr Packer’s Lego’s Dub Remix)
I like to call it Ralphi Rosario’s Risotto  😉

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