Healthy chocolate cookies! Perfect during cold winter days. A healthy guilt free chocolate snack! This powersnack needs an uplifting track. Great groovy vibe from Kevin McKay on @glasgowunderground. Oooh these healthy chocolate cookies are so tasty and easy! Without added sugar, lovely right?
Ingredients healthy chocolate cookies:
100 gr chopped dates
40 gr oatflakes
60 gr cacao
30 gr crushed almonds
30 gr cocos flakes
3 egg whites
1 tbp cocos oil
Steps ►
Preheat the oven at 175 degrees. Mix the dates, cacao, almonds and eggwhites together till it’s smooth. Add the cocos fat/oil and mix again. Then add the oats and cocosflakes, roll it into balls, squash/stamp so you have 6 cm rounds. Put in the oven for about 5 minutes. Turn them around and sprinkle with cocos flakes. Back in te oven for 5 minutes and your healthy chocolate cookies are done!
Enjoy! ♥