When it’s cold outside, I like to have a warm breakfast. So this time a raspberry mugcake! The raspberries in the mugcake give a sweet touch, that’s delicious and pink!! Together with this happy feelings remix from Soulmagic is my breakfast complete! The track is released at @deeptownmusic and it’s HOT! Love this rolling groovy bassline so much!
1/2 banana
1 hand full (frozen) raspberries
1 egg
2 tbsp oats
10 gr crushed pecans
some yoghurt
Put the banana, raspberries and the egg in a blender and mix. Add to the mixure the oat flakes, pecans and put it in a bowl for about 3 minutes in the microwave. Top off with yoghurt and fruit, your raspberry mugcake is born!
Enjoy! ♥