pumpkin butter

Breakfast inspiration! I enjoyed my mugcake, especially with this Deep House track from @coeo_official_ . Lovely Sublime sound on @razorntape records. A wonderful remake, which gives you a great feeling! My mugcake was a bit special. I love pumpkin and wanted to experiment with it. So I made a couple interesting recipes. This time my pumpkin butter! 
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5 Most Relaxing Tracks Of The Week

Foodmelodies loves music, so this week 5 new favorite tracks. Focussed on a relaxing friday, tracks for during dinner, or evening. I had a tough week, so I can use some Deep House music. Check this out and relax. Have a great day and a fantasic weekend!  Continue reading “5 Most Relaxing Tracks Of The Week”

pomgranate goat cheese cracker

I made a spread perfect for lunch, snack or dip at a party. I like goat cheese, especially in combination with some sweetness. On my cracker you see goat cheese with pomgranate seeds, delicious together. This recipe will be online soon! I had a great lunch, definately with this fantastic track at@moodyhouserecordings, produced by Nick Barna! What a lovely track, the vocals, beat and instrumental sounds are perfect! Love the groove and timing.  Continue reading “pomgranate goat cheese cracker”

chickpeas-tumeric pancake

Give yourself a break and make a pancake! Lunch, dinner or breakfast a pancake fits in every moment. Boost your energy level with this combination of food and music! This funky track and recipe won’t let you down. This chickpeas tumeric pancake is delicious!! DJ Mes made this real house track, it’s released at@moodfunkrecords ! Grooves in tha house! Continue reading “chickpeas-tumeric pancake”